katham wrote:
I am just now starting the birdhouse quilt project and used precut 2.5" strips of batik from supply on hand. When I sewed them together, the lines are wavy (looks like a smile) at one end so the end result is totally not square (see attached photo or maybe it will be in this message??). I am willing to unsew but unsure what I did wrong. Help...anyone??
Attachment IMG_00021.jpg not found
This waviness often happens when sewing strips together. I've heard several possible culprits: pulling on the fabric when feeding it into the machine so it stretches, imperfect machine tension, and others. What people often do to fix or reduce this problem is to sew each neighboring seam in the opposite direction. So if the first seam in your finished piece was sewed left to right, its neighbor would be sewn right to left, and so on. That way the neighboring seams bow in opposite directions, evening out the bowing.