SewTooMuch wrote:
Finished my back today while watching the Inauguration. Used my own hand dyes for the main section . Turned the quilt vertical rather than horizontal. Cut my strips 3 inches and then assembled them like a jelly roll race quilt. Thus the randomnous of the strips.
SewTooMuch, I did not notice before and I am surprised that Alex had you put your pinwheel border on before making the appliques on the pieced background.
She did mention that it is really rough on the pinwheels when you are doing the applique because you need to turn the entire pieced top as you put the houses on the top
so you might want to take her advice and top edge stitch in the seam allowance so it does not pull apart at edge seams. I am thinking she will build the houses and
then put them on as a unit, but there will still be a lot turning the whole thing. HelenW
Helen, I think I heard Alex say that applique makes the top shrink up a little so adding the pinwheels after would mean they don't fit as easily