My face includes some of my favorite memories. My talented mother taught me all thing needle and culinary-related. The buttons in the fabric represent my first memory stringing buttons at Grandma’s farmhouse at age 2. I grew up sewing all my Barbie clothes, my own clothes and progressed to quilting and sewing home décor. My ‘ears’ represent the popcorn that my parents grew, after which the family would gather to remove the corn from the cobs each year. Such fond family memories. I taught tatting nation-wide through a smocking association. SAGA, thus my neckline accent. My bodice fabric represents my educational profession. In reflection of our Hawaiian trip, I placed a flower behind my ear. When we moved to our present house, it included grape vines, so I now make jelly and enjoy wines-not home-made! Ooooh, and I love my Starbucks fancy iced mochas.
I am far behind many fabulous completed faces, but I loved this project and look forward to finishing up the quilting and enjoying it. Thank you, Alex, for your unending spark of inspiration and education!