NitafromNY wrote:
Thanks for setting me straight, Helen.
So I tried to resubmit my photo in the section for Faces, but without any success. I was trying to spare Barbara Black from having to take the time to correct my mistake; Goodness knows, she has plenty of other tasks to do. Oh well ... Like I said, technology and I are always at odds.
Actually, this is the first time that I have participated in any Quilt Show Forum discussions. While I have been a member of TQS for several years (I LOVE it!), I have never joined in on any discussions, asked any questions or posted any photos. Maybe this aspect of TQS is not meant for me.
Nita, You are new to the neighborhood. You will miss out on a lot tips and tricks if you don't participate in the forum. Besides we are all going to have a new learning curve
on the new forum when the new website launches in a couple weeks. Hang in there!!! Maybe a visual will help you understand. HelenW