Eleanor , or El, to her friends had a virtual tent city in Paducah for quilters to enjoy - tent after tent with fabric bargains notions, tools and toys. In addition she had daily revival meetings - of the quilterly kind! In Series 3 Eleanor teaches Alex & Ricky how to strip.  Subscribe here.





Keep your supplies ready to go. A tool or tackle box makes a wonderful carryall for scissors, rotary cutter, pins, marking pencils, and other quilting necessities. Another alternative? A lightweight, plastic cosmetic case is relatively inexpensive—and colorful too.


Check out Pat's little ittie-bittie quilt! It was simply perfect and the judges thought so also. The pieces were appliqued by machine blanket stitch. Congratulations to our friend!!!!



Following the seminar, and the hard work of packing up, a lite snack was in order for a bit of fortification.

The Ricky Tims Super Seminar in Paducah ended on Tuesday - the same day as the awards presentation. I wanted to give you all the excitement of the awards before posting this fun video which followed the seminar. Our wonderful British quilt volunteers were VERY brave as you will soon see.

Then up came the WAGS - five quilters from the Memphis area of Tennessee. Many small groups of quilters have clever names. What do you call your special group of quilting friends?


Have you ever been to Paducah? If so, what was the best part for you.........................?



Without your sewing machine would you have come to no good end?

938_singer221a.jpg Click on the Sewing Machine to find out.





As mentioned in the previous blog -Paducah doubles in size during quilt show. That is a lot to handle for ANY town. But the folks get organized and vendors come in from all over and the locals have it down pat - it is a sight to behold!




Who is this excited quilting celebrity? Why it's none other than... oh yes, see Episode 109

The exicitement is electric in Paducah. One of the best parts of being here is seeing old friends and meeting new ones. The reception following the awards presentation is one of those places where faculty, sponsors, and the AQS team gather for the first time.


We just finished a Super Seminar prior to THE BIG SHOW - What a fabulous group of folks. Many of YOU were there (roll call please). I have to report  that this city is gearing up for quilters in droves - the town will double it's size! All stores decorate their windows with quilterly items. However, it was not a quilt that caught my attention. 928_928_paduach_004.jpg



It is kind of amazing when you think of all the quilts being born world wide - and then to see the workmanship - simply wonderful!
