Did you know that TQS is on Facebook and Twitter? Alex and Ricky and the team are expanding our digital reach throughout cyberspace. The more places quilters see TQS, the more members we can welcome into our worldwide community!
To make it easy to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, we have added the Twitter 't' and the Facebook 'f' in the upper right hand corner of our header...right next to your "Log In" box. Click on the logos to see what we post on our pages.
Become a Fan of 'The Quilt Show.com with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims' on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/thequiltshow. Send a suggestion to all of your quilting "Facebook friends" to "Become our Fan" too. And remember to "tweet" your followers to follow The Quilt Show.
But do not worry if you are not a member of Facebook or Twitter...you will not miss a thing...you will still get all TQS news and announcements here first!