Perennial TQS favorite Julie Silber has a brand new show that she has put together with her quilting friends: Alden O'Brien, Barbara Brackman, Debby Cooney, Lynne Bassett, and Merikay Waldvogel. It is called, what else, 6 Quilts With 6 Know-it-Alls and we're pretty sure you're going to love it.

Watch the first episode below and read what it's all about:

"Welcome to the maiden voyage of the quilt history confab, '6 Quilts with 6 Know-it-Alls'! This show, hosted by respected quilt collector and historian Julie Silber, is lots of things: roundtable discussion, kaffeeklatsch, history lesson ... At its heart, '6 Quilts with 6 Know-it-Alls' is no more and no less than six friends sharing with each other their vast knowledge on their favorite topic ever: quilt history!"

#9 LesMorris 2021-02-08 03:00
In the Pennsylvania, Harriett Thompson quilt, much discussion re the initials "JC" in 4 of the blocks. Could it be that JC stood for Jesus Christ? There's that possibility. Just saying...
#8 LesMorris 2021-02-08 02:40
Very much enjoyed this. Hope to see more of these or any other group discussions out there. Thank you !
#7 she-quilts 2021-02-07 19:08
If you click on the heading of the video at the top left, where the name of it is, it takes you to YouTube and this one is posted under Mary Fons You Tube account. If you subscribe to her page, I'm sure you'll get a notification of a new episode if it happens and they want it public. ;-)
#6 Keebler28 2021-02-07 13:26
I'm a rug hooker besides quilter. The moths might have gone for the brown wool because of what it was dyed with. Cabbage. Avocado. Etc. They probably didn't have acid dyes we use today
#5 lindawortman 2021-02-07 13:21
Fascinating! I was amazed at all the different aspects of each quilt that you looked at to try to determine time and maker. I look forward to Episode 2, 3,4...
#4 Sheryl2 2021-02-07 13:16
I absolutely LOVED this! I think this is a marvelous idea. Please do more!
#3 ShelleyHeinz 2021-02-07 12:36
This was fascinating and sure points to the importance of labeling our quilts!!
#2 karonray 2021-02-07 10:33
I would like info on how to see Episode 02 of 6 Quilts With 6 Know-it-Alls when they do it. I have looked how to find the YouTube video other than through this link and can't. Thank you.
#1 MSHendel 2021-02-07 10:23
At first I won't sure I wanted to watch for 1:47 hours. I started and couldn't stop!! fascinating to be a fly on the wall as 6 experts talk about doing a quilt, fabric technology, etc. Thank you!!
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