Alex talks about the latest happenings in her life and about the death of her mother. She also gives updates on classes and timings of LIVEs due to National Events. It's a meeting of our "mini group".

Join her Monday, January 11, 2021, at 10am PST, 1pm EST, & 6pm London time.


#21 Razaee 2021-01-13 22:02
Oh Alex! Thank you for sharing about your dear mom passing on to the other side. I went to a similar emotion when my mother passed 12 years ago and it seems like it was only last year. You, your mom, dad, and all of your family are in my prayers.
#20 Eileen A Hoffman 2021-01-13 16:05
Alex, Thank you for sharing, I have my 91 year old mom with me also dementia & TIA in Aug leaving her in wheelchair & use of left hand; she's a righty. My sisters & I are getting placement for her in good facility not far from my home as I am 73 & can't care for her any longer due to my own health issues. You were a great daughter to your mom & have a loving family. Peace & blessings to you & yours.
#19 Debbie Robbins 2021-01-13 05:04
I would like to be able to buy just the background fabric. Would that be possible??
#18 MSHendel 2021-01-12 15:07
thank you for sharing. So similar to my mom's story 3 year ago except for Covid. I cried again, but for the joy of a good passing- no regrets for the time we had together in her final months of hospice. She spoke often of joining my dad. And can't wait for the new shows. I am teaching myself sashiko and born right this minute! Took craftsy class with Cindy needham and loved it. She was so nice to correspond with me. Blessings for 2021 Peg
#17 sewingjag 2021-01-12 13:52
Where do get the pattern for The Bird House
#16 Old Quilter 2021-01-12 12:56
You have given a peace to many who have or who will experience what you and John have gone through. You are blessing others by sharing your experience. You give hope to those who will go through the same. May God Bless You and Yours now and always.
#15 samiquilts 2021-01-12 12:09
Hugs and prayers to you and your family. You are all blessed with so much love around you and such beautiful memories.
#14 EditorAnne 2021-01-12 03:26
Quoting DebbiG:
You have blessed us all with your vulnerable sharing. We honor you and your mother and father as each in your own way have witnessed to joy and light! Thank you.

What Debbi said.

Peace to you and your family, Alex. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I've been through it, too, and I understand how you're feeling and how important it is to talk about it.

Love Anne
#13 foreverquilter 2021-01-11 22:50
#12 suzanne g 2021-01-11 19:21
thank you Alex. Peace be with you.
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