Piecing is hard enough but when it gets smaller the challenges increase. Dee Christopher will be teaching you how to piece small blocks and keep them accurate.

Dee will be teaching in her classroom called "Dee's Saturday Sampler" on TheQuiltshow.com blog, the TQS Facebook, Alex Anderson's Facebook, Ricky Tims' Facebook and the TQS YouTube channel. 

Join Dee this Saturday, January 9, 2021, at 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London Time. 

If you are interested in the products mentioned in Dee's classes, click here.

#6 fourpatch 2021-01-10 01:03
Thanks for the great timing of the video. I had planned to spend the day making 4 inch blocks so watching directly beforehand was extremely helpful.
#5 Acdeakyne@aol.com 2021-01-09 13:36
What is the name of the quilt pattern behind you?
#4 jona 2021-01-09 13:07
Dee, please remember to swith to camera and back again. Seems to have a problem doing that. I need to see what you are doing. Thank you.
#3 jona 2021-01-09 13:02
Can you please show us what you are doing. I am seeing the glide mat and it's like listening to a radio program

Does it matter which side you press the thread to. You put the white side up and "set" the seams that way, with the gold underneath. Then you pressed the seam to the gold side. I get that but it's that first step I wonder about.
#2 MariaDFen 2021-01-09 12:18
#1 MariaDFen 2021-01-09 12:01
Hi from Oregon!
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