In Tsui Hua Chen's quilt, The Broken City, everything is broken and sharp angles are used to represent the high-wire living of city life. People down at the bottom stare at the quilt, marveling in its beauty as if it were a painting.

The Broken City by Tsui Hua Chen of Taipei, Taiwan was featured in the Pieced, Large category at Houston 2019.

#10 pennyELM 2020-08-25 12:23
Great imagery. Definitely makes a statement.
#9 intlqltr 2020-08-03 18:02
Wondering the quilt dimensions? Wonderfully done!
#8 BlueMarina 2020-08-03 16:12
I love this quilt. It's amazing, it does transfer some electrical energy and fascination to the viewers. Her creativity is outstanding. I applaud the modern quilters, it's absolutely refreshing to see new ideas and views. I'm not a fan of the old traditional quilts so IMHO, this deserves the ribbon.
#7 Kitty M 2020-08-03 15:10
#6 Sallie138 2020-08-03 15:07
Excellent! A compelling subject.
#5 Old Quilter 2020-08-03 11:36
Great perspective. There is so much to look at Thank you
#4 Roxane Rhoads 2020-08-03 09:47
I constantly wish that the measurements of the quilt would be put on labels-these days when so many are seen on the internet it would be so helpful to get an idea of the scale.
#3 PatE 2020-08-03 09:12
I think l’ll be looking at this again and again.
#2 PatE 2020-08-03 09:10
I think I’ll be looking at this again and again.
#1 Kathy B 2020-08-03 07:48
I LOVE this piece!
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