Alex Anderson gets a chance to talk with quilter, teacher, and world traveler, Bonnie Hunter. How is she coping during the time of the coronavirus?

Bonnie talks about how to get out of a funk, about her retreat center, and shows several quilt projects she is working on. It's fun, it's educational, it's Bonnie Hunter.

#13 diana k tomlin 2020-03-23 12:17
that was very interesting I like Bonnie hunter
#12 sdmahoney 2020-03-22 13:39
Difficulty hearing Bonnie.
#11 Ruth G Hayden 2020-03-22 12:55
Two delightful and creative ladies. Thanks for continuing to inspire with your ideas and great spirit.
#10 Megan P 2020-03-22 12:31
Bonnie's method of putting the columns together on the scrap quilt is intriguing but I'm having a hard time following. I hope it gets posted somewhere (hopefully in The Quilt show newsletter) with illustrations. Thanks for a great video.
#9 Matchmaker 2020-03-22 12:08
So nice being in Omaha and seeing Omaha on a T-shirt in West Virginia.
#8 Frolic Watcher 2020-03-22 06:55
Great video, encouraging so many quilters.
Enjoyed watching while I am assembling Bonnies Frolic Mystery Quilt. Stay well Bonnie & Alex.
#7 AuntJo 2020-03-21 10:18
Great conversation. So uplifting at this time thank you Alex and Bonnie ! Keep smiling ! stay well. Hugs
#6 Kathy Dewey 2020-03-21 09:42
#5 Georgia Flanagan 2020-03-21 09:36
I enjoyed so much watching the interview with Bonnie Hunter. She came as guest speaker to our area several times in the early years of her quilt career. She is a bright light to the quilting community. Thanks so much for allowing me to feel like I was with her again in person.
#4 Gayle Kush 2020-03-21 07:28
Thank You for thinking of all of us and providing a nice chat to start my day,
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