The creators of QUILTmania magazine hold an extravagant show (called Pour l'Amour du Fil) of color, fiber and texture every Spring in  the city of Nante, France. See the splendor of the show through the lens of TQS Guest Kathy Doughty's husband, John, a professional photographer and a great person to have along if you are attending a quilt show.

#4 mslbl 2019-08-07 16:21
Thank you for a glimpse into this amazing show.
#3 Katiezquiltz 2019-08-07 10:31
Thank you for sharing. Truly a lot of beautiful work by amazing Quilt Artists.
#2 MarianAnn 2019-08-07 08:27
Thank you so much for sharing I read the Quilt Mania magazine and have always wondered what this show was like.
#1 Katie Bee 2019-08-07 07:14
So many beautiful quilts! Thank you.
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