Stone Portraits and Sacred Stonescapes: Denise Labadie
June 5 - July 14, 2019
Denise Labadie creates portraits of Celtic megalithic stones and monoliths, and more recent monastic ruins. These stonescapes – stone circles, standing stones, dolmens, burial tombs, abandoned churches, forgotten cemeteries, and lost-in-history portals and passageways – are both timeless and evoke deep remembrances of human pasts largely forgotten. Labadie's quilts are known both for their surprising emotionality, large size and, from a construction standpoint, their hand-painted fabrics, textures, color gradation, shadowing and perspective, depth of field, craftsmanship and technique precision.
Artist Name: Denise Labadie
Title: Passage at Knowth, 2016

#5 Sewdreamy 2019-05-27 10:27
Wonderful quilt! Great perspective and it feels not only like I can walk into it, but the temperature is cool. Great job.
#4 Christy Dillon 2019-05-27 09:32
love, love, love
#3 Denise Labadie Snell 2019-05-24 20:30
Thank you for the posting of my exhibition and for the kind comments!
#2 GrannyD11 2019-05-22 22:28
Wonderful recreation with great skill. Love the light behind the door!
#1 William Kane 2019-05-22 10:11
feels like I'm there. Great color.
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