We came upon a wonderful quilt exhibit at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah. It featured the quilts of Betty Ford-Smith. These quilts are Pine Cone quilts and Betty began making them in 2004 under the tutelage of a 92 year-old woman in Sebring, FL. This particular quilt, Purple Katell, weighs 30 lbs and was inspired by The Color Purple by Alice Walker.

The last photo shows a detail of the back side of the quilt and how it is put together.

#19 Shirley Peters 2019-03-05 12:05
This is a fascinating use of Somerset patchwork.
Never before seen a full size quilt as usually only used on smaller projects. Would be too heavy as a bed quilt though.
#18 ayse 2019-03-03 16:45
I loved the story and find the quilt very interestingly pretty.
How is it made? Please show us someday.
#17 blackhawk 2019-02-26 21:15
Alex and Ricky, you need to have this wonderful lady on your show. We should learn how to make these quilts. Fascinating, beautiful and thanks for sharing her quilt and story with us.
#16 CarrieHalem 2019-02-26 14:39
this is a fun pattern to do we used it for decorative pillows and for fish scales on a mermaid costume
#15 intlqltr 2019-02-25 21:01
Reminds me of a technique we used to make Christmas ornaments.
#14 Michele Ward 2019-02-25 14:23
Absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing this story and beautiful quilt!!
#13 NanaPie 2019-02-25 10:37
The National Quilt Museum is doing a BOM. This technique is the current block. Construction directions are provided. Very interesting.
#12 engel pretzel 2019-02-25 09:52
Does it say how much fabric was used to make this quilt?
#11 Ann Rippel 2019-02-25 08:32
Excellent story. Excellent quilt.
#10 Suzanna Moore 2019-02-25 08:28
WOW! so glad "hand" isn't a four letter word when it comes to stitching!
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