In September of 2017, Sandra Sider invited Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry to participate in a quilt exhibition called "Deeds Not Words": The Power of Persistence, Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (August 18, 1920) granting American women the right to vote. Caryl did some reading and spent a great deal of time looking at images about the women's suffrage movement. "First Ladies," Caryl's quilt, is the result of that research.

The quilt contains the names of 162 women who accomplished important firsts in our country in the last 100 years.

Click on Read More to go to Caryl's website and read the fascinating story behind the quilt and the processes she used to create it.



#18 Susan 2018-11-06 20:08
This is one of the most impressive quilts I have ever seen. What an amazing message. She brought it to a Contemporary QuiltArt Association meeting. Seeing it and listening to Caryl talk about the process she went through, the she research she did was amazing. She is truly a leader in the Quilt Art world. She is an inspiration.
#17 mpizzazz 2018-11-05 16:36
Quoting ourgallucy:
Florence Kenyon Hayden Rector (1882–1973), first licensed female architect in Ohio. Is this Mrs. James?

Yes, she is!!!
#16 eileenkny 2018-11-05 14:36
This is an heirloom for all women everywhere. I only hope I get to see it in person.
#15 Marie 2018-11-05 13:59
In New Zealand, we are celebrating the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage. First in the world..
#14 4RSWY 2018-11-05 13:08
Introduced by Sen. Aaron A. Sargent (R-CA), it later became known colloquially as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment. It was ratified as the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920. Thanks Susan.
#13 Marcia Katz 2018-11-05 11:52
Caryl Fallert, et al., -- the very best quilter we have today. She has been my "inspiration" since I began quilting in 1991. No one does it better!!!!!
#12 Yvonne Thomas 2018-11-05 11:42
Wow! What an incredibly important, colorful, relevant piece of historical art work, a treasure, by a most creative talened artist of our time, Caryl Byer Fallert-Gentry.
#11 Ann Fahl 2018-11-05 11:33
OH yes!
#10 lulumoon 2018-11-05 09:43
Still such a relevant quote! Thank you for creating this beauty, Caryl!
#9 Tinilou 2018-11-05 08:10
Very creative genre. The quote should never be forgotten or ignored. Thank you for posting it today,remi nding all of us to make our voices heard. Really fabulous piece of art.
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