Over the past few years, I have shared how important my quilting groups are to me. I love the camaraderie, inspiration, opinions, and sometimes the much needed shoulder to lean on. But, I have also heard that there are corners of the globe where quilting groups are nonexistent or unwelcoming. So, I thought I would share my experience in finding the perfect fit.

First and foremost...remember the social media sharing is two dimensional. It looks like everyone is getting along and loving each other, but the reality is quilters also have their own agendas and personalities and we don't always fit perfectly together. So finding that right fit can take some time and backbone.

During certain times in my life I have participated in different quilting groups that met a schedule constraint. There are many online quilt groups and three of my favorite quilts, a Bottle Block exchange, a Signature Quilts and my quilt made with 2,000 different 2.5 inch squares were made with quilters I never met but who I shared with regularly. There is an advantage to online groups...if you don't have the time to travel to meet up or you are house bound online groups are open 24/7. If you find you don't like the culture of a group...just unsubscribe...no harm, no foul.

Many quilt shops have regularly scheduled open sew days to get customers to hang out and maybe spend some money. This is a nice way to meet other local quilters but not be responsible for the social schedule. Usually all are welcome and you may find a friend or two there. I have also found in this day and age to keep conversations on the topic of quilting, family and travel...all hot topics are best left at home.

I think the most important part of finding the perfect fit is to not be thin skinned if a group, for what ever reason, does not want you to be a part of their family...and believe me, that has been a personal experience. I raised my boys with the understanding that not everyone is going to like you and you...do not have to like everyone.

Stitching with others brings us together with a common love and that is where we need to spend more time!

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Click here for Anna's blog.



#7 Patricia Streim 2018-10-13 08:04
I just discovered this website and love it! Thank you.
#6 Anna 2018-10-12 11:02
George...I totally agree but it seems not everyone feels the same way. We must keep putting one stitch in front of the other and remember the reason we stitch :)
#5 Anna 2018-10-12 11:00
Audrey B that was the most amazing swap I have ever participated in!!
#4 George 2018-10-10 16:07
If you can't get along with someone just because your opinion of a "hot" topic differs from theirs, enough that you would abandon a group that brings people with the same core interest together, then it is a sad society indeed.
#3 Audrey B 2018-10-10 13:35
I belonged to that group that swapped the squares and I see that Y2K quilt every day on my husband's bed. It brings back so many memories. That quilt was made in 2000.
#2 Anna 2018-10-10 09:48
Karen L. I love how concisely you have put this...so true as life experiences happen our needs and wants change.
#1 Karen L. 2018-10-10 08:35
This is all so true Anna. You cannot like everyone and everyone won't necessarily like you. It's like finding a mate; you hope that chemistry will happen and draw you in. And of course everyone changes as they grow so you may end up leaving a group you were in when first starting out and joining a group later that you thought you never would. I suppose the reality is that our likes and dislikes of anything and everything change as we go through life's ups and downs. Just find what works for you with each life cycle or circumstance and enjoy while it lasts.
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