Memphis based art quilter Paula Kovarik's work requires close observation. Upon first glance, what looks to be one subject matter, is quite often another altogether. A degree in graphic design and owning her own firm helped to pay the bills. But when her mother prompted her to take a quilting class fifteen years ago, the light bulb went off. Armed with needle, thread and an understanding of balance, color and composition, she creates art that is an extension of thoughts traveling through her mind. "Stitching is an extension of my thoughts through my hands. It is a slow art, textural and multi-layered."


The initial sketch for the Stream of Consequences piece started with the idea of inter-connectedness and how the city wove itself around a meandering river. This piece was created to honor the work that the Wolf River Conservancy is doing in the Memphis area to protect the watershed and our water supply.

It comes from the country, courses through the suburbs, and wraps around the city of Memphis. The Wolf River, a small spring fed river of 90 miles, is one of the great arterial systems of the Mississippi River and all the life that it nurtures. As it flows, it filters, it floods, it captures and distributes. It is a filament that takes everything that flows downhill and sends it forward. It is the meandering collector of last resort for runoff, sprawl, industry and agriculture. Efforts to control it, channel it, or deny its value nearly led to its ruin—until it gained an advocate.

Since 1985, The Wolf River Conservancy has protected and defended the river in the face of development and abuse. The group has cast the Wolf as a community treasure that physically weaves the region together. They know full well its vital function and spectacular potential. They understand it is a pattern that connects. (Paula Kovarik)

Paula Kovarik talks to The Quilt Show about her quilt "Punditocracy" at the Dixon Gallery & Gardens in Memphis, TN.

#8 Mary Kenner 2018-05-09 09:55
Paula -- 'Stream' might be my favorite yet -- of course love the child blowing the dandelion. Your short video explanation of 'Punditocracy' is superb -- we need one for each work!
#7 Peggy 2018-05-08 10:14
Very interesting, enjoyed it a lot!
#6 happyhare 2018-05-07 19:35
The quilt is wonderful, so well thought out. I am mostly traditional but I really really like this quilt. I also think Paula would be great fun to visit with. A woman that speaks her mind. We need more of that.
#5 Linda 2018-05-07 13:47
I am blown away!
#4 Karen Harvey 2018-05-07 10:54
This is the most amazing work I've ever seen!
#3 amayo 2018-05-07 09:42
Have to comment on this one!
This quilt has topped them all!
Love it!
#2 KathleenAT50 2018-05-07 08:44
#1 Diana Lassahn 2018-05-07 05:49
This is a fabulous work! Thanks for sharing this.
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