TQS wants to keep showing you non-quilting artists that can give you ideas, show you new perspectives and sometimes just blow your mind. The late Japanese graphic design artist Shigeo Fukuda is a perfect example. His posters and art are fun and amazing, but his shadow sculptures are in the "blow your mind" category. The shadow art is made with "junk" like welded scissors, forks or spoons. Shigeo once said, “I believe that in design, 30 percent dignity, 20 percent beauty and 50 percent absurdity are necessary." Here are some examples of his work:

#9 Teresa Findlay 2019-03-18 23:31
#8 Cristie McGuire 2018-03-05 16:01
Incredible, inspiring. Thank you for posting this.
#7 Anna Assink-Peterson 2018-03-05 12:06
I rarely repost - but I cannot resist posting this one for my quilter friends. Quilting and art are so connected no matter who designs the quilted work.
#6 Jeanine 2018-03-05 10:57
The shadow sculptures are really amazing. Thanks for sharing these wonderful examples of a truly talented person.
#5 Claire P 2018-03-05 10:43
"Wow" does not do his work justice. I agree - no words!
#4 Carroll Lee 2018-03-05 09:54
I am way happy TQS is expanding inspirations beyond quilts, as there is so much out there to be seen and appreciated. However (and I know you won't, really) as long as TQS continues to focus on quilting of all types. Thank you, Alex, Joh, Ricky and Jason. You guys are the best!!
#3 Caryn S 2018-03-05 09:40
Amazing! So much fun.
#2 Nancy Arseneault 2018-03-05 07:26
Incredible! Thanks for the smile this morning.
#1 MSHendel 2018-03-05 06:00
thank you for sharing such unique art: clever, fun, thoughtful, and inspiring.
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