We love the judges at Houston, but some quilts just don't get their due, such as the quilt below. Apparently one big reason for its not getting recognition was that it was not entered in the show (There are always excuses, right?). TQS member Lynn Randall brought this quilt by the Quilters Select booth for Alex to sign. Ricky had signed it the year before. The quilt was made as part of a challenge in "The Quilt Life" magazine. Plus, it was right after Halloween. Fun!





#20 AngelHawks 2017-11-16 17:25
She was Robbed! That totally should have won something! LOL! Such a good likeness of both of you.
#19 Patsy 2017-11-08 13:29
What a really nice thing to do! And, I agree, how did this not win best of show!!! Sorry I missed seeing you at the show, but I did get my mat, rulers and cutter!!!
#18 YvonneJ 2017-11-08 13:00
I Love It! :-)
#17 Candie 2017-11-08 12:05
She really caught the personalities of the two of yougymy9
#16 Leni Wiener 2017-11-08 11:00
This is too cute, I love it. Alex, you and Ricky have never looked so good!
#15 Sharry 2017-11-08 09:41
What a wonderful, fun quilt!!! Great job! :lol:
#14 Claudia Warren 2017-11-08 09:38
This is such a cute quilt! It looks just like you guys!!!
#13 Linda 2017-11-08 09:02
From a cover of "The Quilt Life" magazine. I have kept my copies of that magazine, but have thrown away or given away all other quilt mags. There's just something about them... :-)
#12 Maria Teresa 2017-11-08 08:58
You and John look great on that quilt!!! The quilt shoud got a price, justo for the theme alone!!!!
#11 Carroll Lee 2017-11-08 08:42
What a fabulous quilt! I didn't have to look twice to see who it was... and I would've known if Alex wasn't standing right there!
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