




The Quilt Scout, Mary Fons, has written an intriquing article for Quilts, Inc. regarding the Century of Progress Quilt Contest scandal which took place in 1933. It's a fascinating story which resonates today.

To read the article, click on Learn More.


To learn more about Merikay Waldvogel and Barbara Brackman's book, click on the photo below.


#9 MarianSmith 2017-09-20 06:38
I read somewhere that many quilts sent to the competition were stored unopened in boxes in the basement of Sears headquarters.
#8 Brenda Wall 2017-09-19 08:53
The destruction of the quilts was in Houston, but I cannot remember the year. It was after the show, as they were taking down the quilts. The next year the security was raised quite a bit. If I remember correctly it was a quilter who had a feud with another quilter and was very angry. They threw bleach on a quilt and I believe it splashed over to other entrants. Sad day for quilters.
#7 Deborah Giles 2017-09-18 12:51
Thanks to Mary for a great article!
#6 Judy McNeel 2017-09-17 16:36
I heard this story in the 1980's--possibl y Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. It makes me sick every time. There were so many wonderful original entries that reflected the theme of "progress". BTW, I just looked at Amazon and one bookseller has it for $500! I don't think so.....!!!
#5 Dodie Morrison 2017-09-17 13:08
Mary Fons referenced a quilt being ruined when paint was thrown on it at a show but couldn't find any info on it. I think it was probably the 2002 incident at the show in Houston when bleach was thrown onto an award winning quilt on purpose. The story is on pg. 32
#4 Terry D. 2017-09-17 09:56
This story has always fascinated me, especially since I am from Louisville. I have the book, too. Interesting that the quilt has never been found.
#3 CarrieG 2017-09-17 08:44
I have this book. This whole story fascinates me! Scandal & Controversy in the quilt world.
#2 Paula Hidalgo 2017-09-17 08:24
WOW, most interesting article, but so sad too...it makes you wonder what might happen if they could be judged today!
#1 Andi OBrien 2017-09-17 08:13
Wouldn't it be an awesome display if as many of these quilts as possible were located and shown today? I would love to see that collection!!
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