It seems lately when I am stitching in a group that the discussion will eventually circle around to how many projects one has or how big the stash has grown...and then, the inevitable mantra... "I don't need to buy another piece of fabric!!!" It seems that as a quilting culture we have developed the collective Quilt Guilt Trip! You don't see other passionate people guilting themselves out of doing what they enjoy! "I shouldn't run another mile because I have too many running shoes!" Or, "No more golf...I have too many balls and clubs and those rounds of golf add up!"
Do we really need a reason to continue quilting? Can we not quilt for the joy of quilting and the friendships that accompany this historical art form. Is it wrong to refresh the stash and thus revitalize our interest in a hobby we love? What is this craziness that when we feel wonderful quilt shopping, we also find the need to flog ourselves? Oh, I get it...if you have been quilting for a while, your accumulation can get out of control, but maybe balance would be better than deprivation. I say, share your stash...we do that with clothes. There is no problem when we are tired of clothing items we donate and purge...and admit it...some of those clothing items still had the tags on them!! But, for some reason when we look at our stash it has to have a payout...and, it seems the payout can't just be the joy of quilting.
Quilting is steeped in a utilitarian history that is stitched in love. Quilts were made for warmth, and sharing and this history needs to be embraced. So rather than limit the joy of quilting because you feel guilty about your quilting stash...start looking at ways you can share that stash. Enjoy the process and give the quilt feels good. Or...sell your quilts, then you get the joy of creating and make a bit back. I know...I can never sell a quilt for what you put into it...but, don't forget the joy.
The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show allows quilters to sell their quilts with a percentage of the proceeds going to support this FREE outdoor quilt show. If you have a stack that is taking up room, think about selling some in the 2018 quilt show. I know for a fact that there was one non-quilter (my sister) who bought a wonderful quilt at this year's show.
Exhibited by Dale Yamamura of Santa Rosa, CA and quilted by Trina Jahnsen, this wonderful quilt used the pattern Go Fish by Gail Abeloe and made one non-quilter very happy!
Bee Happy, Bee Generous and Keep Quilting!
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