Hyesook Kim of Busan South Korea created the quilt Enshrine the Landscape, 59" x 79", using Hand Appliqué, Hand Dyeing, Free-Motion Quilting, Fabric Painting, Shiva Paintstiks, and Thread Sketching. Her quilt was accepted in the Small Wall Quilts - Pictorial at Paducah 2017. There is a lot going on deep in the design. Take a look.


#11 Sue 2017-07-15 14:43
What magnificence and show of patience in all this finite detail! Oh to have that gene in me!
#10 judyq 2017-07-15 03:52
#9 letoth 2017-07-14 20:36
#8 AuntJo 2017-07-14 20:13
Very impressive ! what detail ...Bravo
#7 Candie 2017-07-14 13:19
The bonsi is perfect. The depth of color, with so few colors being used is incredible. The quilting is amazing and I just kept looking at the detail it brought to the quilt.
#6 Wildyam 2017-07-14 10:27
Even the piecing of the ombre fabric is perfect!
#5 Roxann 2017-07-14 09:49
Breathtakingly detailed. So much to take in and I want to keep looking for more.
#4 Patty low 2017-07-14 09:34
Wow! How beautiful. I am amazed at the detail of the thread work she did. Awesome!
#3 Alma Lou Annab 2017-07-14 06:50
Beautiful and expressive. It take quiltmaking to another level.
#2 Nancy 2017-07-14 05:16
First reaction AH!!!!! Incredible detail and the thought of preservation so apt.
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