"Live Your Brightest Life," which is a tribute to Yvonne Porcella (Show 713: TQS Quilting Legend 2010), will be part of the Sacred Threads' Exhibition of Quilts Expressing Life's Journeys: Joy * Inspiration * Spirituality * Healing* Grief * Peace this summer, July 7-23, in Herndon, VA (outside Washington DC).
They are also holding a "Meet the Artists" Weekend.
The Sacred Threads website has the details about the events and a form to register.

#2 Beth Schnellenberger 2017-07-06 09:00
I'm going. We designed our vacation around it. I was lucky enough to have a quilt selected for the exhibit! Woooohoooo!
#1 Sewdreamy 2017-07-05 14:13
Oh good! I can go...just 10 minutes from my home. :D
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