Wouldn't you love a quilt by Sue Nickels and Pat Holly? It would have great color, design, and quilting. Sue and Pat made "Lovely Libby Circles," a 30" x 30" quilt that was inspired by Libby's Quilt "Circle the Date" (2008). It was for an auction to benefit Libby's medical expenses. Alex had to have it (it was on auction for about half a day and then Alex said "Forget this!" and the auctioning was over). There are different quilting approaches and stitches all over the quilt (just like Libby would do). Some of the blocks were dark and hard to show, but you will love what you can see.



#31 Candie 2017-06-15 11:49
This quilt is a magical experience. It was like looking at knitting, crocheting crazy quilting, and quilting all in one. What an adventure.
#30 karonray 2017-06-14 09:27
Enjoyed looking at the great quilt. Looks like the circles were added and on Libby's original the circles were under the top fabric. Like both techniques.
#29 Rochelle 2017-06-12 17:31
What a beautiful tribute to Libby. I can see why Alex wanted this. Love the different quilting designs.
#28 Zoed 2017-06-12 16:23
Keep it going Libby!!!
#27 Alice Hamilton 2017-06-12 09:56
This quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I can see why Alex was anxious to get it. The colors, the stitching, the inspiration...
#26 LilyBee 2017-06-11 22:42
Pretty quilt; striking colors, and the computer-aided quilting is the frosting on the 'cake.'
After "half-a-day" Alex; no wonder I didn't see that quilt. Lucky you.
#25 Ruth 2017-06-11 20:59
I love this quilt and I love the makers are from Michigan not far from my home town.
#24 Wendy R Scott-Dillon 2017-06-11 19:53
:lol: love this beauty-looks like silk
#23 Wendy R Scott-Dillon 2017-06-11 19:51
just to lovely for words---looks like silk
#22 Turtleswimmer 2017-06-11 19:05
Love the use of color and intricate quilting.uya6
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