From their website regarding Quilt National '17, "The whole collection is documented in Quilt National 2017: The Best of Contemporary Quilts, published by The Dairy Barn Arts Center. There were 747 quilts submitted by 383 artists from 42 states and 19 countries. Jurors Nancy Crow, Petra Fallaux and Art Martin selected 85 quilts by 85 artists. The exhibitors represented 28 states and 9 foreign countries. In this exhibition 41 percent of the exhibitors are first time Quilt National artists. There were 13 awards granted. In addition, the People’s Choice award will be chosen by the visitors to the show."
The Dairy Barn Arts Center is please to announce
The 20th Biennial of Quilt National, Quilt National '17
May 27 – September 4, 2017
If you click on the arrows-bottom right, you will scroll through the slideshow. If you click on the picture it will present a larger slideshow.
made with scraps. I have been unable to find
this pattern. Can you please help me? Thank you very much.
Thelma Reeves
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