"Autumn Evening" (54"x41") by Barbara Oliver Hartman won 2nd Place Small Wall Quilts Pictorial at AQS QuiltWeek Paducah 2017. The quilt is quite striking, but we spent most of our time trying to figure out how it was made. Do you have any ideas?

(photo: Mary Kay Davis)


#26 Cris Hartman 2017-11-17 20:08
Did you use a spray adhesive to adhere the snippets to before quilting. If so, what adhesive do you recommend?
#25 StarkStudiosWest 2017-07-28 13:02
Absolutely beautiful!
#24 Marie Z Johansen 2017-06-02 13:22
Thanks BarbaraOliverHa rtman for chiming in! It is a beautiful art piece❤️
#23 Candie 2017-06-01 12:35
What a delightful and colorful project. That took a great deal of creative talent and time. It is so calming to look at.
#22 LilyBee 2017-05-24 16:48
Fun quilt. So, what size is it?
#21 Kelli 2017-05-24 14:12
Fabric confetti freemotioned is very gorgeous.
#20 Peg Collins 2017-05-24 13:59
Barbara, that sounds FUN! looks great! Congratulations on your award.
#19 Judy Brack 2017-05-24 13:03
Texture makes me think she used temporary spray glue to sprinkle confetti cuts... stitch down and gently washed out spray glue for more confetti texture!
#18 Carolie Hensley 2017-05-24 10:47
Alex, she learned from Denise Oyama Miller & Nancy Ryan how to do this technique. You should come take a class at The Patch to learn about it! It's pretty kool technique
#17 barbaraoliverhartman 2017-05-24 10:12
thank you for all the kind words and great pictures of my quilt.
This quilt was made from small pieces fabrics left over from previous projects and then sorted by color and then cut with rotary cutter and scissors into very small pieces. It is then sewed to a background using a free motion zig zag stitch. No netting or fusing is involved. The process is very time consuming but addicting.
The first piece I made this was was in 1992 and was in the 1993 Quilt National exhibit.
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