The kaleidoscopic quilts and embellished ornaments decorated the set of The Quilt Show during taping. You'll find yourself trying to figure out just how Paula puts those pieces together to create her stunning quilts.

 Star Members can watch Paula in Show 2010: Easy Piecing with Complex Fabrics Makes Stunning Quilts.

#5 22Happy 2017-05-13 12:42
I've been following Paula Nadelstern since the first time she appeared on HGTV with Alex, and I am always amazed at the intricacy and focus of her work. This video is superb, and I am ready to dig through my stash and put something together. I might even buy a Styrofoam ball or two.
I was especially moved by the radiation mask. When you get to a certain age, there is a big increase in the number of loved ones who benefit from the wonders of modern medicine. Being able to take that object and imbue it with mystical energy that transforms it into a totem is the accomplishment of a lifetime, if only for the survival statement that it makes. We shall overcome trials and tribulations and memorialize them in our art!
#4 Kristy 2017-05-12 16:33
Beautiful video of beautiful quilts!!!
#3 Diane Phillips 2017-05-12 08:41
Wow. The piecing is stunning, but OH Those EGGS!
#2 Linda W 2017-05-12 08:31
#1 MOLLIE 2017-05-12 07:02
I took a class from her and really enjoyed it but my one kaleidoscope didn't match I can't imagine doing all of these gorgeous pieces!
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