"Go Tell It at the Quilt Show!" is a Quilt Alliance project designed to capture the stories of quilts where quiltmakers gather. This interview was filmed at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas, in November 2016 and features Victoria Findlay Wolfe discussing her award-winning quilt, "Mr. Swirl E. Bones."

"Mr. Swirl E. Bones" won First Place in Machine Quilting the Modern Way at MQX New England, Judge's Choice at 2016 QuiltCon, and Third Place Innovative Pieced at the International Quilt Festival Houston 2016.

Victoria writes,

"Mr. Swirl E. Bones took several lives to become what he is now. Inspired by the Halloween panel, and a conversation about carnivals and dart throwing...By playing with negative space, both in design, quilting and the binding. I wanted to visually change the space and scale through design on the traditional lemoyne star."

#1 Dawn Tenneson 2016-11-23 09:53
This is a cool quilt and very inspirational. Now I know what I can do with quilt panels. Thank you Victoria!
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