Here's the story so far...

Just before the start of market, Jamie Wallen woke up to discover his trailer, containing all of his quilts and store merchandise, had been stolen from the parking lot of his hotel in Houston.

UPDATE 11/10/2016 from Jamie:

Bad News:
No new word on Stolen Product nor the Majority(40 plus) of the Missing Quilts.

A Good Samaritan found a Garbage Bag with what she thought was Clothing in it but actually Turned out to be 5 of the over 50 quilts. She recognized a few from the TV News and contacted us. We'd already returned home But Fellow Vendors and Friends Offered to go retrieve them.

Thank you so much JoAnn Gemmill from Jo's Quilting Studio and Machine Dealership for Acting so Quickly for us to recover the pieces found which included the "Tree of Life" as wells as One of The "Fire Island Hosta" Quilts. the "Little Girl" and "Boy with Frog" were also in the bag.

God Willing More bags will be found with more quilts!!!!!!

Jamie and Rich

Jamie's entire livelihood was in that trailer and we want to help him.

A GoFundMe page has been started to help Jamie, click here to donate or spread the word.

#40 Becky Cook 2017-05-07 19:50
Jamie I just now placed an order with you. At the time I knew something had happened but didn't know what. I googled it and my mouth fell open (litterally) people are trying to help when they say you should have used this or you need to use that but I know the "should have would have) don't pay the bank or pay the bills. Jamie I love your videos and clearly you are a pro and I do mean PRO in the quilting world. I am truly truly sorry. There is really nothing else to say. God bless you!
#39 susanerler 2016-11-15 19:28
Jamie, thankfully they only took "things." They did not take YOU. (((Hugs)))
#38 Sherry 2016-11-11 19:04
This makes me so sad! I LOVE Jamie's work.
#37 Wendy 2016-11-11 10:22
My best suggestion for all vendors is to keep your trailer in the lot immediately behind George R Brown. It has a high metal fence with only one entrance and security guard(s) at that entrance. I don't know if the guard is there 24 hours, or if they lock the gate at a certain time, but it is as secure as possible. Get into Houston early enough to get into this lot. If there's a charge for parking (I think it might be $10/day for vendors), it is well worth it.
#36 Ann 2016-11-11 09:48
responding to #29-Christina: Great idea for quilts and other valuables, and while we are at it, let's put these tracking devices on our children so that if they go missing, they can be found.
#35 Carol 2016-11-11 09:09
So, so sorry this happened. It goes to show that no matter how careful you are there are always people in our world who cause hurt and pain to others and don't even realize what they've done. It really makes me angry. VERY ANGRY!! I hope this doesn't sour you on Houston and the fabulous IQS events that take place here but if it does, I certainly understand. In the future, put a good security lock on the trailer connection as well as the doors of the trailer with a tracking device as well. Love you.
#34 Marlette0613 2016-11-08 16:20
For the tile app, why not bury it under the binding so it can't be removed. If it's pinned or whipstitched on the outside a thief could easily remove it.
#33 RaewynClark 2016-11-08 15:06
Oh my goodness, these things seem to happen everywhere in the world. Not nice at all, even down here in little New Zealand.
My hubby puts wheel locks on our cars and trailers, they cant go anywhere then
#32 Andrea Hawkins 2016-11-08 08:03
Take photos of all quilts. Take a video and store it away. Insure what you can. Get involved with The Neighborhood Watch program. We send alerts so people can be aware of theft in the area, etc.
#31 Lesley Morris 2016-11-07 14:39
Thank you #29 Christina for the Tile chip advice. I just ordered it. This is a way to combat and do something, to take responsibility for what can possibly happen and turn a bad into good again. At least there's a chance of recovery with a chip. As of this writing, many of the quilts were recovered. I hope good will come out of all of this, like a fenced in area for trailers.
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