Cheryl Lynch has started a monthly newsletter. In her first video from the newsletter she shares her studio along with her bicycle quilts, storage tips and her favorite tools.

#10 Lesley Morris 2016-11-30 11:02
Great 'share', very inspiring Thank you!
#9 Julie klemmensen 2016-11-28 09:44
Yep, where did she get that cute chair, or, who makes that upholstery fabric? Love it.8h
#8 Truesy 2016-09-04 23:40
Ok, I will ask since no one else has. Where did she get her chair? I absolutely love it!
#7 Threads1080 2016-09-04 20:59
Here's another quilter/biker. Love both, and yes, it's a tough choice in the summer... get up and ride or head straight to the sewing studio.
#6 Brendaintheboro 2016-09-04 10:00
another cycling quilter - hurrah. Cycling also inspires me in ideas for quilts
#5 Ann Santistevan 2016-09-02 18:20
I share your passion for bikes and sewing space. My bike and my sewing machine are definitely my favorite possessions.
#4 Vickie VanDyken 2016-09-02 12:35
Love your space. I see a lot of similarities to mine :) EXCEPT...mine is cluttered with fabric, pulled out and not put back.... ROFLOL..
I ride to but I ride a motorcycle. I have a joke/saying to those who ride bikes, I say...GET A MOTOR!!! hahahaha probably better that you pedal...but I like the speed of the motorcycle !!!
#3 VickiT 2016-09-02 12:01
Oh how fun to now see you and your studio after just emailing with you recently about the magazines. I almost wish I would have connected in my mind while emailing last week that you were the creator of Curvalicious because I would have been extremely tempted to maybe buy one. I've been wanting one since I first saw it. Oh well, soon I will finally get that ordered. I like the book you have with pictures and ideas. I have a bunch of things much like you have, but have them saved in a folder on my computer. I think a journal type book like yours would probably work better since it can be quickly grabbed to look in rather than trying to figure out which folder I saved those things in.
#2 Liz Rivera 2016-09-02 09:19
Thanks for your input, love your studio. It gave me alot of ideas.
#1 Val Fisher 2016-09-02 05:49
What a coincidence! I live a parallel life with Cheryl. I live outside of Philadelphia. My passions are bike riding and quilting. Love her quilts and her studio.Ironical ly my sewing studio was just off my kitchen in the dining room of my two story colonial until I became an empty nester. Then I migrated to a large bedroom upstairs.
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