This is a great thread catcher, pincushion, scrap bag, and quilt buddy gift all in one design from "The Masquerade."  It only requires a couple of fat quarters or a few scraps to put it together.  So quick and easy, you'll want to make more than one.


#16 sissy and me 2019-09-13 16:24
can i get written instruction for this scrap bag
thanking you frances
#15 Candivan57 2018-06-09 09:39
I made one in an hour... including cutting...great instructions on the video....used scrap material I had...making another soon!
#14 Candivan57 2018-06-08 09:53
I watched this video 3 times and then was able to cut and sew one of the pincushion/tras h bag in about an hour... very good video... i’m Not a seamstress... just learning to sew!
#13 LindaB 2018-05-08 11:20
:roll: Great my old one is falling apart--too much sunshine.
#12 bjmorgan98@bellsouth 2016-09-09 21:44
Sending pin cushion
#11 Fiona S 2016-07-21 17:05
What a terrific design and video! Thank you. I'll be making one for the TV remotes too.
#10 Kay 2016-07-20 00:45
Thank you for easy understanding video. plan to make several. so useful for everyone, even non-sewing people if they exist...hah
#9 Teresa Findlay 2016-07-18 21:46
Looks easy to do, but I can't help wonder why the one edge of the hinge piece that was hidden finished. Why couldn't it be left raw.
#8 Susan 2016-07-18 18:27
I made these for my grandchildren to hang over the arms of their car seats to hold their crayons and little toys while mom and/or dad are in the front seat. Saves a few meltdowns when something is dropped and their parent can't reach to pick it up. I imagine they'd also be handy for an elderly person's easy chair to hold pencil, glasses, remote control . . .
#7 Myra 2016-07-18 14:36
Very good video and easy instructions. Thanks ever so much. Plan to make several this week. Great gifts!
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