We found this article titled, "9 Things Sewists Do That No One Understands."  Well, we weren't even sure what a "sewist" was; so, we had to read the article.  Turns out, the author wasn't really sure either.

And, if you are a "sewist," don't take this personally...




#7 Joy 2016-06-22 16:14
You wouldn't think sewist was so strange if you had been presented an award and the emcee announced it was for the "sewers" as in sewage pipes! We almost choked.
#6 Hollis McCright 2016-06-20 09:30
These are things that I have read already, but it is always interesting to hear the male point of view who verbalizes it. My husband never 'sez' anything when I bring in more material, but sometimes he does say something when I bring another machine in. :sigh: :roll:
#5 Louise 2016-06-19 14:38
Oh, to see ourselves as others see us. Probably why God gave us a sense of humor. Enjoyed the article.
#4 SoBelt 2016-06-19 14:11
Dumb post, who asked him?
#3 Cara 2016-06-19 11:35
Yeah, what she said.
#2 Rachel 2016-06-19 11:10
:lol: I sent this article to my husband. He can relate, especially about the scissors.
#1 Welshwoman 2016-06-19 09:52
Humm, the blog was ok, but not funny enough to go back for more. Silly person. There are some things that just ARE (not buy more fabric - or touch it!!?!). I do have a small gripe. I think that 'sewist' is the dumbest word ever invented. I sew, and am a quilter. Period. The word gives me the shivers, like nails on a chalk board. Too elitist for me.
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