Have you heard about the Whipstitch Sewing Café?  It's located in Providence, RI.  For $6 you can have a cup of coffee and one hour on a sewing machine, as well as access to an ironing board and other essential tools. You might receive some help, but they have no formal lessons.  The cafe also sells supplies and fabric and encourages people to learn to sew or just to enjoy sewing with other people. 

Click here to learn more.

Do you have a shop like this in your area?  Even if you have a machine at home, how much fun would it be to have a sewing party with your friends?


#3 jacky merc 2016-01-09 21:11
Hi how fun this must be, ladies with their sewing machines, coffee, cookies, just good company.
#2 Cindy 2016-01-08 10:31
Would love to start something like this in my little town.
#1 Joyce Perlow 2016-01-08 06:47
Would be fun to have a guilts of valor party at a cafe like this.
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