Yes these pictures have been on the internet, but we felt that quilters should take a closer look. The colors and combinations could end up in your next quilt. We like them better than the Pantone choices. Click below to see the slideshow of color choices.


#1 Shelly Roberts 2016-02-02 21:38
God knew exactly what he was doing when he created each creature with the color palette he chose. He used the correct hues and tones where needed for each animals survival. And I'm glad He did. He truly is the greatest artist of them all and the best inspiration for all of us to use for all of our quilting and crafting needs. :lol: What great colors He gives us to choose from for some Wonderfully beautiful quilts. So Pantone or these wonderful birds--they're all part of the same spectrum as you see in some of these birds-- there are some of the lighter shades of greys, yellows and blues as well as some of the brighter shades and hues that most everyone here seems to love so much (including me). But I do find my self liking some of the paler shades in things to soften up things at times as well. Sometimes too much bright is just too much. Even for me.
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