A doctor’s reputation is often based on credentials. Sandra Leichner’s credentials are impeccable: every quilt she has ever entered into a show has won Best of Show. So when Sandra demonstrates her appliqué techniques, you know you’re in capable hands. Sandra has been quilting since 2000, and prior to that she sewed clothing. She shares her understanding of how fabric behaves, and teaches quilters to better work with their projects. Sandra shows how to create a perfectly flat appliqué point without using glue. She also demonstrates her signature tendrils in various thread weights. You will be as amazed as the studio audience was while they watched her! Sandra also introduces her son, who helps with her business and does his own artwork. Afterwards, Quilt Maker Lynn G. Kough shows how to use just one shape to create a variety of designs and original works in fabric.
Show 1701 - The Appliqué Doctor is In debuts Monday, July 6, 2015.