Story Submitted by: altalynn

My name is Alta Rinaldi and I am from Mt. Holly, NC. I married an Italian, but am the 13th generation of my family, the Alwrans, who have many stories from the 1740's to present. I come from a long line of seamstresses and quilters from both sides of my family. I have made 9 quilts myself that are worth mentioning. I have just been given the family quilt (top only, never finished) made by my Great-Grandmother in the late 1930's. It is in 90% prefect condition. Interesting in itself, but there is a bit of history in each hand stitch. I have titled the top "Quilt of Many Nations". During WW II while several of her sons were at war my Great-Grandmother was at home. Just as today many companies offered deals to attract people to buy their product. With every carton of cigarettes purchased the company would give a 5 x 7" (approx.) patch. Each patch depicted the name and flag of a nation involved in the war. Great-Grandmother's boys send these patches to her from overseas. She decided to make a quilt using these patches to remember and share with the boys upon their return. I believe the patches to be 100% cotton. The quilt top has never been washed. Why she never completely finished the quilt I do not know. I have many questions myself. It has been in my Grandmother's cedar chest, folded and in a plastic bag for years!!!!! I have it now and would love to share a very unique piece of history with those who would love to know. Also I have a small budget in which to preserve this priceless piece of family history. I do not know where to begin? Please I need some advice and guidance. A Follow American Quilter, Alta Rinaldi

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