Ann Hill is currently the Quilter in Residence at Alzheimer Scotland. During the past two years she has been working in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway), Dumfries Hospitals, and the Hampden Park Football Group. Her project involves Ann working with people with dementia, their families and staff at the various care homes, hospitals and groups. 65 quilts, depicting their memories are now on display at Hampden Park Football Stadium Museum in Glasgow. The quilts tell the wonderful stories of those with Alzheimers and their foremost memories.
And now Ann has something else up her sleeve, The Hampden Park Quilt Project 2013. This project involves covering Scotland's international football pitch at Hampden Park in Glasgow.
Here's the info from Ann:
5,000 quilts of 40” square (or close) are needed to cover Scotland’s international football pitch at Hampden Park in Glasgow. Aerial photographs will be taken and sold. The quilts will be auctioned off and those left will be adopted by care homes throughout Scotland. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of dementia and how it affects not only the person affected but their families and friends.
Any design of quilt will do but if you are having trouble deciding, FREE downloadable quilt patterns will appear regularly on the following websites:
Quilts can be sent to the following:
- Ann Hill Quilter, Mouswald House, Mouswald, Dumfries, DG1 4LT, Scotland
- UK Alzheimer Scotland, 22 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh, EH3 7RN
- Scottish Football Museum, Hampden Park, Glasgow, G42 9BA
Your quilts will be greatly appreciated.
(Quilt: Forgetting Piece By Piece by Ann Hill)