
Once again, It's a New Day! While we love providing a place for you to post your quilts. We also know that there are times when you might want to have someone who is a non-TQS member see your quilts. So, we have made a way for you to share your quilts with others who are non-members of The Quilt Show!

To make your Quilts Visible to non-members:

  1. Log into The Quilt Show. Click on "My Profile".
  2. Then "Edit Quilt" for the quilt you wish to share.
  3. Click the check box that says, "Check to make this quilt visible to non-members".
  4. Click "Submit".

(The default setting is unchecked, NOT visible to non-members. If you wish for non-TQS members to see your quilt on our site, you must check this box.)

By making your Quilt visible to non-members, it will automatically be picked up by all the major search engines and will be added to our upcoming "Quilt Gallery RSS Feed" (Woops, did I spill the beans?), which is right around the corner. So, it's a great way to show your quilts to the world.

We have provided an easy way for you to email your friends a link to your Quilts. While editing a quilt, simply click the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the "Email Link" section. You can then paste it into an email and send to a friend. The recipient can view your quilt profile but for security reasons, they will not be able to browse elsewhere in the TQS site or see your personal profile unless they login or become a member.

It gets better.

Website Banners:
We know many of you have websites, so we have created a variety of website banners for you. A picture is worth a thousand words. Please visit "My Account" where you will find this link:
Banners & Quilt Banners for your website and email

Instructions are right on this page and it will contain all the website banners, quilt banners and email links available to you on one single page for your convenience.

Go Web Guru Bob! It's a New Day!


Web guru Bob Bigelow has come through again. Try this out---Go to the Quilt Gallery and click on the name of a quilt. You will be taken to that person's description of their quilt. But look up top! There are thumbnails of all of the quilts posted by that member. Click on any of those quilt thumbnails to see the quilt get the description of that one too.

Great addition, Bob. (And Great Quilts Angie!)





Web Guru Bob has assigned numbers to each quilt on the site. Check the Quilt Gallery and see for yourself. Now, you can look for quilts by number. If you wnat someone to see your quilt - give them the number. This is just another step in the journey of building the world's largest interactive quilting video magazine. Enjoy!


Really Simple Syndication (RSS), in quilter’s terms, is simply a pattern used to stitch together information in standard blocks within web browsers. Its purpose is to give you a quick way to look at news articles with just a headline and brief description. Because of its popularity on the web, we are introducing RSS feeds for both our Daily Blog and our Rhapsody Blog (with more to come).

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Each feed contains a picture, headline, a brief summary of the blog and a link to read the full blog.

To view our RSS feeds, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on / for our RSS Main page.
  2. Click on the orange rss button 410_695234.gif for the feed you want to view.
  3. Click on “Subscribe” and this will add the feed to your bookmarks under the RSS category.
  4. When you want to view the feed, simply open your browser and click on the appropriate bookmark.
  5. Each browser is different but it should be easy to figure out.

Some of you more experienced RSS’ers already have news readers already loaded onto your computer. Please refer to their documentation to add our feed to your reader.

Note: Some browsers may not show RSS 2.0 compliant feeds properly, so you may experience a page with just code on it. If this happens to you, consider using a different browser. Our feeds are compliant with the RSS 2.0 standards but in time we will try to accommodate issues with all browsers.

If you experience any issues, please use our Contact Us page at contact , and select the “RSS Issues” subject.

We hope you enjoy our feeds and we look forward to expanding them in the future.

Did you know you can skip chapters, fast forward and pause when watching a show? YES!!! It is possible that you can select what you want to see when you want to see it! On the face of the purple remote you will find fast forward, reverse, pause and all the goodies your TV remote control has. In addition, on the lower right hand side of remote is a white tab - press it and the little tab will pop out revealing the chapter headings. The best part about the remote? It can't get lost under your couch pillows!

As many of you are not able to join us in the chat room due to your "other" life, we don't want you to miss the great information that is being shared by our special guests. Sooo...our wonderful web guy Bob has come to the rescue. Yeah!! When you click on CHAT you will notice a new button "Chat Transcripts". Click on this button and select the chat room by date/guest. That's all there is to it. So next time life throws you a curve, you can still keep up knowing that the information is just a click away.



So, you seem to like having the thumbnail pics on the comments in the blog! Did you know that if you click on the thumbnail it will open a larger photo? Give it a try. Now the member thumbnail photos are on the Quilt Profile pages. If you browse the Quilt Gallery and select a quilt, you are taken to the Quilt Profile page for that quilt. Now, next to where it says, "presented by," you'll see the thumbnail photo of the member who posted the quilt.

As previously mentioned, clicking on the thumbnail opens a larger image of the member. However, clicking on the thumbnail of the quilt will also open up a larger image so you can get a bit closer look at the quilt!

Pretty kewl - huh?




Because you have been adding your personal photos to your profile, we can now have a much more interesting look on the comment pages! Check out the tiny photo attached to your comments! Yes, you can always change your photo anytime - just go to the menu bar on update my profile - select and submit a new photo and it will automatically change.


If you have not been able meet us for chat then you have missed out on some good quilting information. But not to worry, in the next three weeks we have 6 GREAT reasons for you to make time to join us. Coming up we have:

Ami Simms-Alzheimer's Quilt Project

Denise Labadie-Episode 106

Cheryl Uribe-APQS Long Arm Quilting Machines

Photo Man-Gregory Case

Barbara Olson-Episode 105

Bernina Sewing Machines

Wow! What a fantastic line-up. The topics are as varied as the guests.

To all of you who heeded our request to be patient with questions and to stay on topic while in the chat room with a special guest, a big "THANK YOU, THANK YOU". To see who is in the chat room on which date click here. We look forward to visiting with you.



We now have the flag doing what it is supposed to do. Rather than using your login-logoff date and time stamp, Bob, the web guru, has set it to work with your last visit to the Rhapsody Reality blog page. If the flag is flying, like this

313_994711.gifthere is something new you haven't seen on that blog. If it is still, like this 313_270319.jpgit means there is nothing new since your last visit to that page. Now - the system does not know if you READ that page, but it knows that you went there. If your flag is flying and you go to the Rhapsody Reality page - when you come back to the Daily Blog your flag will be still. - Hope this sorts it all out for you.