Really Simple Syndication (RSS), in quilter’s terms, is simply a pattern used to stitch together information in standard blocks within web browsers. Its purpose is to give you a quick way to look at news articles with just a headline and brief description. Because of its popularity on the web, we are introducing RSS feeds for both our Daily Blog and our Rhapsody Blog (with more to come).
A picture is worth a thousand words:
Each feed contains a picture, headline, a brief summary of the blog and a link to read the full blog.
To view our RSS feeds, follow the instructions below:
- Click on / for our RSS Main page.
- Click on the orange rss button
for the feed you want to view.
- Click on “Subscribe” and this will add the feed to your bookmarks under the RSS category.
- When you want to view the feed, simply open your browser and click on the appropriate bookmark.
- Each browser is different but it should be easy to figure out.
Some of you more experienced RSS’ers already have news readers already loaded onto your computer. Please refer to their documentation to add our feed to your reader.
Note: Some browsers may not show RSS 2.0 compliant feeds properly, so you may experience a page with just code on it. If this happens to you, consider using a different browser. Our feeds are compliant with the RSS 2.0 standards but in time we will try to accommodate issues with all browsers.
If you experience any issues, please use our Contact Us page at contact , and select the “RSS Issues” subject.
We hope you enjoy our feeds and we look forward to expanding them in the future.