Alden Lane Nursery in Livermore, CA provides the setting for our visit with art quilter (and popular healthy lifestyle blogger) Debby Schnabel. Debby, who lives in a 650 sq. ft. cabin in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains, enjoys exploring new themes by working in a series, and then embellishing her pieces with hand embroidery. You’ll love her tips on fabric selection and threads, her fusible-free techniques for applying circles (a favorite motif), and you'll discover how she incorporates a variety of embroidery stitches into her work. Next, come along for a field visit with Denver-area quilter Laurie Hill Gibb who decided, upon celebrating a landmark birthday, to take a year-long quilting journey across the US . . . by herself!
Show 1512 - Enhance Your Quilting "Menu" with Hand Embroidery premiered on December 8, 2014.
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