Susan Stewart's quilt, Snow Flowers, won 1st Place, Bed Quilts: Home Machine Quilted at AQS QuiltWeek Paducah 2014. Susan has always amazed us with her technical prowess for machine quilting, and this time she had to overcome personal tragedy and technical mistakes to get her quilt completed. But what a quilt it is. Not only does Susan do the quilting, she also makes her own lace too! See how it all came together.

Click Here to See the Full Quilt.

#4 janetperc 2021-01-26 15:09
Thank you Susan for sharing your journey in making this fabulous quilt. I understand the pain and love that surrounds your work. I appreciate that you went into detail as to how you made and quilted it. You definitely deserve the award.
#3 Brendaintheboro 2021-01-25 15:00
#2 52KID 2021-01-24 15:41
Wow Susan, you are as amazing as your quilt. I love seeing your work and this one is definitely no exception. Your patience must be infinite.
#1 Beverly Paluska 2017-08-04 12:26
Susan, I can't imagine! I don't know that after that pain I would even want to ever see the quilt again. My 11 year old grandson died nearly 6 years ago and I am just now learning to live again. Your quilt is beautiful and admire your ability to "fix".
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