Saturday Market Bags by Tina McCann was spotted at AQS QuiltWeek Phoenix 2014. Tina's design source was produce at the Saturday Market.

Here's what she has to say: "Luscious colors were the words percolating in my brain, keeping me awake after my first foray into dyeing fabrics. Quietly creeping into the utility room to stare at the drying piles of color, visions of fruits and vegetables danced in my head. A trip to the farmers' market, seeing the mounds of colorful produce, and watching people carry various bags and baskets stuffed with food, brought together thoughts of produce on bags and bags on the quilt."


#4 D Wheeler 2021-01-25 15:00
love it!!!!
#3 cheryl a wilkinson 2021-01-25 10:48
These bags are spectacular, the radish or beets I love. The avocado, well.....I LOVE it!!!
#2 E. K. Dockweiler 2021-01-25 09:50
How very unique yet adorable. This is so very creative.
#1 Bethelbee 2021-01-25 08:47
Absolutely love this quilt!! Beautiful colors and so much fun!! Would love to carry one of these purses.
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