The next time you're giving a quilt as a gift, why add a quilt pouch to the back? This great idea was sent to us by TQS member Marlette.
"When I give a quilt as a gift, I make a small muslin envelope, 4 x 4 inches, and mark on the outside that it contains fabrics from the quilt for any needed repairs. I put 3 x 3 inch squares of all the fabrics inside. I then stitch the envelope closed and slip stitch it onto the quilt backing in the corner opposite the label.
"The envelope can easily be removed if desired, but I encourage the recipient to keep it attached as the swatches will be laundered the same as the quilt, and will be a closer match (if they're needed) than if they were stored in a drawer."
If you have a great tip to share send it to us here. I will add link.