If you were inspired by all the ways Kim Diehl (Episode 1407) created interest and added texture to her quilts using yo-yos and 'big stitch' embroidery, then you'll definitely want to check out these other great shows featuring techniques for adding a touch of stitchery to your work.


Remember: As a Star Member, you have access to EVERY SHOW, EVERY TEACHER, AND EVERY TECHNIQUE . . . PLUS, in our Little Scrap of Magic lessons, we're creating small projects to practice some of the techniques taught in the current shows.



Add a bit of hand embroidered embellishment
with Laura Wasilowski (Episode 1009)


Combine machine stitches and hand embroidery
with Carol A. Waugh (Episode 1011)


Enhance clothing with wool, beading, and other wool embellishments
with Kim Klein and Tami Pfeil (Episode 1107)

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