Quilted In Honor (QIH), led by Island Batik, is a fund raising initiative for Operation Homefront, one of the top military fund raising organizations, and is intended to harness the collective power of the quilting industry to give back to the ones that need it most. Individually, each organization could donate something, but if we all worked together to support this outstanding organization – what could we really achieve?

The project has three areas of participation, however the over arching goal is for the quilting industry to come together as a whole to support our returning veterans and their families. Operation Homefront was chosen to be the beneficiary of the Quilted In Honor project because of their programs, their top rank among military charities in the United States, and because of the need they have expressed for quilts and quilted projects.

Island Batik is leading a team of Industry PartnersCelebrity Quilters and Sponsors in an 24-month program that launched in Portland, Oregon at Quilt Market in the spring of 2013.

Industry Partners

The flagship for the Quilted In Honor project is the Quilted In Honor fabric line by Island Batik. Based on the fabric line and Celebrity quilting projects, Industry Partners have developed integrated retail products for the project with a percentage of retail sales donated to Operation Homefront.

Celebrity Quilters

Celebrity Quilters, including Alex and Ricky, have lent their names to the Quilted In Honor project and donated patterns for various initiatives.



Sponsors have joined the Quilted In Honor project to provide donations of goods and services to help promote the program and leverage the costs of promotion.


There is a lot you can do to participate!




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