The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative just completed its 6th year of existence.  In that time they raised more than $690,000 for Alzheimer's research and they are only a few hundred quilts away from receiving their 10,000 Priority Quilt.

How about it TQS members? Why don't you submit a prioirity quilt and see if it can be the 10,000 quilt!

The rules are pretty basic:  It can be no larger than 9" x 12" and must be a "quilt."  Of course, there are a few more rules, you can see them by clicking on the button.


You can contribute a number of other ways as well by participating in the monthly auction or buying a quilt off the site directly. To learn more, click here.

(quilt: Leaves from Gida Lorre, Sao Paulo, Brazil, $45)


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