Simply Mad, by member jogriffith.
This week more than 1000 quilts have been posted! Yeah - that is awesome. Remember, the drawing to win Ricky's Rhapsody Reality quilt will happen when we reach 36,000 quilts. In simple math that means only 6000 of our current members have to post 6 quilts. Nobody wins the quilt until our goal is met. Look through profiles and if someone has one or two quilts - contact them from their profile page and urge them to post their quilts. The instructions for doing it are posted in the link on the right that also gives details about this contest. Remember, quilts do NOT have to be made BY the person posting them - post family treasures, etc.
To remind you of the variety of quilts that are now in the gallery we have randomly selected this quilt made by member jogriffith for you to enjoy. Check out her pfofile page and see her fun and whimsical designs.