Monkey Quilt by LisaMarieE
With over 150 quilts submitted for our TQS Baby Quilt Contest, Capt. John and Alex were overwhelmed with the variety and creative ideas shared by our talented TQS members. The choices were too much for these newbie grandparents to handled, so they thought it would be fun to let the new parents, Joey and Shelly, make the selections.
Well...little did Alex and John foresee the firestorm of frantic phone calls that would ensue. "Mom, you have NO idea how exhausted Shelly and I are, what with Lev keeping the two of us awake at all hours. We are just exhausted. You've forgotten what it's like."
So, we ask your forgiveness for not having the winners ready to announce as promised. Seems we need to give the new parents a few more days to decide which of these uber-cute quilts will win. We know you'll understand.
In the meantime, if you haven't yet viewed the entries, check out the adorable quilts in Show and Tell.