Three talented art quilters from 3 different countries; Annette M Hendricks, from Chicago, IL, USA, Gail E Thomas, from Vernon, BC, Canada and Helen Godden, from Canberra, ACT, Australia have combined their strengths and passion for colour, design and textiles to create an award winning Tri-Nation Collaborative quilt.
The THREE SISTERS will be world premiered during the Winner’s Circle Celebration at the International Quilt Festival 2007 in the George R Brown Convention Centre October 30th – November 4th Houston Texas USA. This amazing combination of three talents combines three nations and has been awarded a prize in the Collaborative section of this prestigious world quilt mecca.
All three women, from USA, Canada and Australia, will be present at the ceremony and available to meet and chat about their quilt during the spectacular show. Come and see just how well 3 nations of this troubled world can work together in harmony and come up winners!