New York Uglies by Jan Eaton
If you have ever gone to a quilt shop with a group of friends to buy fabric you know that each of you is drawn to different fabrics. One or two pieces of fabric will be loved by everyone in the group. But invariably there are those you personally consider "real uglies" and would never want to own, let alone purchase. Well one person's ugly is another's beauty. Jan Eaton and a group of friends decided that they needed to purge their stash of "ugly" fabrics. They challenged themselves to come up with a quilt using these fabrics. The group traded and didn't care if mistakes were made while sewing up the blocks-remember these were fabrics they didn't like that much to begin with.
My grandmother used to say that "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's (pig) ear". Well, I think in this case she was wrong. Jan's "New York Uglies" should definitely inspire us all to go through our stash and come up with a quilt this beautiful.